From individualized educational plans to medical care or learning skills for independent living, we understand the challenges of minors with special needs.
Let us bring our years of experience to your situation. You want to see your child become all that they can be. So do we! Our insightful care managers will identify programs that fit their needs while also fitting the financial resources available. We advocate passionately for their support.
To learn more, give us a call at 1-888-246-2110 (toll free).
Comprehensive Care Management
We are the helping hand for families that need it the most. We help parents and caregivers manage the many challenges they face each day—from finding the right specialist for their child, to coordinating ARD services with schools, arranging for transportation to securing medical insurance.
Most importantly, we assist families with negotiating the many moving parts of multiple systems (school, medical, financial…) to make sure the systems work together in a comprehensive manner with shared goal’s tailored to each child’s needs.
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Special Needs Assessment and Plan
For clients with developmental, mental health or physical disabilities, we focus our attention on the programs that are available to support them to live with dignity and as much independence as can safely be provided. We look at their cognitive abilities and connect them with local mental health or intellectual or developmental disability professionals. We assess the safety of housing and transportation relative to any physical or mental limitations.
Financially we assess eligibility for Medicaid Waiver programs, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and SNAP for food assistance.
The assessment may reveal the need for strategies to protect against personal abuse and financial exploitation.
P. Harrison Group also does an educational assessment to explore support for special education programs (for example PPCD-12, or 504), Head Start, or Vocational or Trade School training.
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Benefits Analysis and Advocacy
Does the person you care for receive all the support they are due from local and government benefits programs? Have you applied, but been rejected?
Put our team at P. Harrison Group to work for you. Based on a thorough assessment of the child, we can identify programs with a high likelihood of eligibility and follow through with the agencies to be sure all options have been explored.
From Medicaid, Social Security Disability, and SNAP food assistance to transportation services and educational benefits, you can confidently know that the person you care for is receiving every bit of support they qualify for.
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Wellness checks
Maybe the person you care for needs periodic phone calls to be sure all is well. For others, an in-person visit is more important.
The care managers at P. Harrison Group are trained to ask questions and survey the situation to look for changes in physical or mental health, signs of abuse or financial exploitation, hazards in the household, and myriad other points of potential concern.
You receive regular updates about client wellness, and of course immediate communication if a problem is identified.
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Bill management
Does your family need assistance a household budget? Paying bills and managing accounts are a significant part of care. Plus, assets need to be protected. But in many situations the ability to track expenses with consistency is just too much for those involved.
P. Harrison Group can assume the tasks of daily money management, making sure utilities, insurance, taxes and other necessities are paid when they are due. Protected spending accounts can be arranged so spending on behalf of the child does not jeopardize assets nor eligibility for benefit programs.
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Custodian Real Estate, Housing & Relocation
Families who live in private homes want to remain there for consistency. We can monitor the situation to be sure taxes, and insurance and Home Owners Association fees get paid.
If a move is needed, we can assist with downsizing and relocation.
We can also help to sell the house and have funds transferred in a way that protects assets in the trust and does not jeopardize benefit programs.
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